Carmen Bermudez-Bracy

Metropolitan Water District


Carmen Bermudez-Bracy currently serves as the Contract Compliance Accountability Administrator and Certification Officer for the Business Outreach Section at Metropolitan Water District. MWD is the nation’s largest water wholesale serving 19 million Southern California residents. The Business Outreach Program provides services to maximize contracting opportunities for regional, disabled veterans, and small business owners in the Southland six counties that Metropolitan services. As MWD’s certification officer and as an advocate for small business owners, she provides important information about the benefits of certification and regional incentives, and business networking. In her role as Contract Compliance Administration, MWD’s CCAP program tracks the compliance of using small businesses in construction contracts and professional agreements. MWD’s Contract Compliance Accountability Program has set benchmarks in the industry. She is a graduate of the Latina Executive Leadership Academy at USC, a partnership with the Marshall School of Business, and has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Leadership from the University of La Verne.

Contact Info

Company : Metropolitan Water District
Website :