Entrepreneurship: America’s Greatest Freedom for Individual Prosperity

Prosperity through Entrepreneurship is primarily fueled by our constitutional right to own property, own businesses, generate income from that property and keep the earnings!

A recent study by The World Bank, “On the Relevance of Freedom and Entitlement in Development” points out that after reviewing the performance of more than 100 countries over the past 30 years, “new empirical evidence supporting the idea that economic freedom and civil and political liberties are the root causes of why some countries achieve and sustain better economic outcomes.” It further asserts that “the expansion of the state to provide for various entitlements, including so-called economic, social and cultural rights, may not make people richer in the long run and may even make them poorer.”

Many times we attempt to rectify the societal inequities with government programs and entitlements, when in reality the freedom to innovate, own and prosper on our own, is the best path to prosperity and heart of the American Dream.

The word entrepreneur comes from the French word entreprender, meaning “to take action”. The most common use of it would translate in the English language to “general contractor”. They must know how to connect past experience and knowledge to a new idea and bring it to fruition. The tenacity of challenging the status quo with probing questions, exploring of nuances, toying with surprises, creates an incubator for innovation and creativity.

Given the personal property rights embedded in the constitution of the United States, and supplemented by the democratization of information through technology, Entrepreneurship remains accessible to all Americans and remains one of the best pathways to prosperity regardless of social or economic standing.

At NLBWA-IE we facilitate and empower your potential. See our programs and invite someone that can use a boost on their path to prosperity! Latinas are making their mark here, so can you.

Ruth Lopez Novodor

On Cue Consulting


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The National Latina Business Women Association Inland Empire Institute (NLBWA-IE) is a regional 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization with the purpose of strengthening the success of Latina Entrepreneurs in the Inland Southern California region by educating, promoting, developing, and supporting the rapid growth of Latina business owners and professionals.

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