2023 Business Management & Leadership Academy UCR Micro MBA – A Supplier Development

NLBWA-IE, 2023 Business Management & Leadership Academy UCR Micro MBA – A Supplier Development
Graduates from the 2023 2023 Business Management & Leadership Academy UCR Micro MBA – A Supplier Development Program

2023 Business Management & Leadership Academy UCR Micro MBA – A Supplier Development

In today’s fast-paced economy, entrepreneurs who want to succeed must prioritize continuous learning in business

management. With the ever-evolving landscape of industries and markets, staying up to date on the latest trends,

strategies, and best practices is essential for staying competitive and growing a successful business. From mastering

financial management to honing leadership skills, ongoing education and training can provide entrepreneurs with the

tools and knowledge they need to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and achieve long-term success.

Finding the right program that adjusts to our demanding schedules can be complex, not to mention costly. Can you

imagine the ideal business educational program I assume you are looking for an affordable program that fits your

schedule and is offered by a reputable institution. Most importantly, you want a program that will give you a good return

on your investment.

One way to stay competitive in today’s market is through programs like the 2023 Business Management & Leadership

Academy / UCR Micro MBA – Supplier Development. This program offers valuable knowledge and skills that can help

entrepreneurs thrive. Remember that It is crucial to continuously improve one’s knowledge and skills to keep up with

industry changes and outperform competitors. As Benjamin Franklin said, 

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

This year, the NLBWA Business Management & Leadership Academy or UCR Micro MBA 16-week program began July 8

through October 26th. This comprehensive course gave our entrepreneur participants an understanding of essential

business principles. They delved into the significance of cultural diversity in the corporate world and honed their critical

thinking skills to successfully handle any challenges that may arise in management. This program was meticulously

tailored to meet the unique needs of the participant’s businesses, be it in technology, logistics, construction,

manufacturing, environmental sustainability, or healthcare accessibility. This program gave our graduates the necessary

tools to excel in their industry. The program enjoys a diverse set of topics aimed at developing businesses.

Business Capability Statement

During the initial week, a session was held to provide an orientation on creating a well-crafted business capability

statement, goals, mission, and vision. The session aimed to equip attendees with the necessary skills and knowledge to

develop a compelling statement to position their business for success. The attendees are required to provide this to UCR. 

Strategic Business Management 

Throughout the following two sessions, our primary focus was on delving into the intricacies of strategic business

management and leadership. We explored successful leaders’ approaches and techniques and analyzed their effectiveness

in different scenarios. The goal was to understand the key principles and strategies necessary for effective leadership and

management in the business world. 


Two highly subsequent sessions were scheduled for July 29th and August 5th. These sessions delved deep into the

intricate world of economics, exploring various topics and providing valuable insights for attendees to engage in thought-

provoking discussions. 

Marketing Communication for Businesses

Throughout the dates of August 12th, 19th, and 26th, the participants were provided with extensive and comprehensive

knowledge on the subjects of marketing and communication. The sessions were conducted professionally, ensuring each

participant received an equal opportunity to learn and grow their skillset. The topics covered were diverse and

informative, covering a wide range of areas essential to mastering marketing and communication. Overall, the sessions

were highly beneficial and significantly contributed to the participants’ professional development. 

Human Resource Management

During the initial two sessions of September, the curriculum was centered around managing human resources, with a

keen focus on the various aspects of this field. The upcoming two weeks, however, were devoted to delving into the

intricacies of accounting and finance to provide a comprehensive understanding of these crucial domains.

Culture & Diversity/Capability Statement

During the program held on September 30, the topic of culture and diversity was thoroughly discussed. This discussion

was in preparation for the upcoming capability statement session scheduled for October 7th. The session aims to provide

a platform for highlighting the unique qualities and strengths of various cultures and how they contribute to the overall

success of an organization. The insights gained from this program are expected to inspire a deeper appreciation for

diversity and inclusivity in the workplace.

Access to Capital and Networking

The program concluded on October 19th, with a final session focused on boosting access to capital and networking


Latina BizMatch™ Business Management Academy Graduation/Small Business Certification

On October 26th, the Latina BizMatch™ Business Management Academy Graduation/Small Business Certification

ceremony occurred at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, California. The event ran from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,

during which the graduates were presented with their 2023 certificate of participation in the NLBWA Business

Management & Leadership Academy/UCR Micro MBA 16-week program. Distinguished guests from the IE business

community, dignitaries, NLBWA-IE board members, and other entrepreneurs joined the celebration to honor the

graduates’ outstanding achievements.

B-2-B, Corporate, State, Federal, and Utilities Company Matchmaking for Suppliers and Buyers

During the conference, graduates and the public got BizMatched with Corporate, State, and Federal Buyers who procured

services in Technology, health, logistics, construction, and transportation industries.  Here, business owners engage in

fruitful connections and collaborations with fellow entrepreneurs and potential clients. 

Certification for Women/Small Business Owners

Attendees to the Latina BizMatch™ were also invited to participate in the Certification, where they learned the steps

and benefits of obtaining certifications that can open doors to new opportunities. They brought their laptops with

business financial documents uploaded to your laptops, as we will provide on-site technical assistance to help you

navigate the certification application process. 

Join the NLBWA Business Management & Leadership Academy/UCR Micro MBA 16-week program

If you’re a business owner seeking ways to grow your enterprise, then the NLBWA Business Management & Leadership

Academy/UCR Micro MBA 16-week program is a must-attend opportunity. Join forces with like-minded individuals and

unlock your true potential for success. With its comprehensive curriculum, you’ll gain the necessary skills and knowledge

to take your business to the next level. This program will equip you with practical strategies, tools, and techniques to

apply to your business immediately. If you’re interested in this program, please save the date for next year’s Business

Management & Leadership Academy/UCR Micro MBA, which will start July 13, 2024. Save the date!

Join NLBWA-IE as a member and subscribe to our newsletter for updates on our business education, networking, and

capital access programs. Visit our events website at https://nlbwa-ie.org/event-calendar/

9551 Pittsburgh Ave., Suite 250 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Office : (909) 204-7450
eFax : (909) 545-8686

Veronica Silva is the owner and CEO of VeroDigital Communication Solutions and a Writer/marketing/PR consultant for NLBWA-IE.

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The National Latina Business Women Association Inland Empire Institute (NLBWA-IE) is a regional 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization with the purpose of strengthening the success of Latina Entrepreneurs in the Inland Southern California region by educating, promoting, developing, and supporting the rapid growth of Latina business owners and professionals.

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